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Garage Door Company near me 1

Your garage door slats are on the exterior of the door. They are commonly installed on rolling steel doors and are bars that are locked together. Slats are usually only on commercial doors because of their durability and are either curved or flat in shape.They are attached together to form garage door panels and slide in the tracks of your garage door. These are important because they help to keep out water, air and moisture which can make the garage vulnerable. The slats all have to look identical which helps to give the garage door its curb appeal. If your garage door has a problem rolling up or down, then the slats could be the issue that you need to handle.

If your slats become damaged due to an impact then you can easily replace them. The price of your slats will be determined by how many feet across they are. You can measure your garage door slats by using a tape measure to measure it all the way across. It is important to also inspect the panels at the time. You want to make sure that the panels have also not become damaged. The bottom bar and weather seal often fail if a slat has become damaged.

We can easily replace your damaged garage door slats. The first thing that we will do is to take a mitre saw to cut out the slats that need to be replaced. We do not suggest you do this by yourself because it can be dangerous as the bars are hard to cut through. It takes less than one hour to conduct this replacement service. If we do not have the type of slat that your model of garage door needs, then we can try to make one for you. We can also help you find the right stain or finish to make sure that the replacement slat matches the rest of the garage door.

We caution you that if you replace the slats that you must make sure that your garage door can open and close again. If a slat is not installed properly, then it can break off and damage the slats around it. This can necessitate a panel repair which can be more expensive and time consuming to do.

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